1604-1614 King Street

Alexandria, Virginia

Quick Facts: 

Client: Dechantel Associates

Market: Residential

Size: 66,800 gsf – 59 units

Services: Architecture

In the Media:

Business Journal March 2, 2017 – View PDF

Business Journal December 28, 2016 – View PDF

Located in the heart of historic Old Town Alexandria, the 52-unit condominium project includes the renovation of a series of five townhouses set along King Street. The entrance to the condominium tower is set back and entered through a courtyard.  Framed with modern materials, the entrance transmits a sense of contemporary living from the street.  The building rises up 8 floors above an above-grade parking structure that provides approximately 56 spaces and is set back 40’ from the back of the townhouses. The units are organized along a central corridor with the elevator and stairs located at one end.

The exterior of the building is meant to convey both a contextual framework similar to the adjacent buildings with a base, middle and top as well as a contemporary expression of clear glass to minimize the bulk of the building. The roof is designed as an amenity providing common area spaces of a lounge and grill. The project has been reviewed by the Board of Architectural Review of the City of Alexandria.