Macau Hotel and Casino
Macau, China
Quick Facts:
Client: City of Macau
Market: Commercial, Hospitality, Residential
Size: 450,000 gsf – 550 rooms
Services: Planning
Project Team: Michael Winstanley – Design Architect, Leo A Daly – Architect of Record
The proposed 230,000 square-meter Entertainment Center and Hotel projecting into the South China Sea off the Avenida da Bahia Nova presented a rare opportunity to dramatize the image of Macau as well as providing a unique addition to the entertainment market of the city.
Two crystalline cubes lead up into the city and frame the view toward the statuary of the Centro Ecumenico Kun Iam. A new promenade, canal and central waterway will enhance public spaces of the Macau waterfront with all public spaces and green areas to the north of the bridge running across the new Macau waterway improved and handed back to the city.
The massive glass cubes house new high tech state-of-the-art entertainment facilities. The facility is embraced and supported by a podium containing a complex of retail facilities, including boutiques, restaurants, bars, a theater, convention areas with ball rooms and banquet rooms, and a grand hotel lobby.
Two dramatic 500-room hotels flank the central waterway and are surrounded by a recreational landscape of piers, waterways and small islands that mediate the transition from land to sea.